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Queen Elizabeth School



To welcome our new Year 7 students, and to ensure that their transition from primary to secondary is a successful one, we have our transition programme that starts the moment your child is offered a place at QES.

Transition from primary to secondary school can be an exciting time for many pupils. The opportunity to experience new subjects, new activities and make new friends at a bigger school is often met with great enthusiasm. At QES we understand that whilst most pupils feel this way, some may feel nervous and anxious at the thought of starting at a new school.

That is why we have developed an extensive transition programme, to ensure all pupils feel supported in their transition process and that it goes as smoothly as possible.

Stage 1: Welcome to QES

The start of March sees parents and our new students eagerly opening their offers to find out which secondary school they will be attending.

This is one of our favourite times of year because it is our first opportunity to meet all our new starters. Students offered a place at QES are invited in for an afternoon of fun activities with their future peers; while parents hear from our senior leaders and have a chance to ask questions.

Stage 2: Primary Visits

During the summer term, QES students and staff visit the primary schools to meet our new students and talk to them about their QES experience, answering any questions they may have.

Stage 3: Transition Days

Our future Year 7 students are invited back into their new school in July where they find out their form tutors, get to know their new teachers, and form further friendships through various activities.