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Queen Elizabeth School

Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning

 Assess - Plan - Teach - Learn - Monitor

Signature Teaching & Learning Approach

At Queen Elizabeth School, we empower students to achieve academic excellence through aspiration and innovation. High Quality Teaching is the most important lever to improve outcomes for students, therefore we provide education that is rooted in research and is evidence informed by the context of our school, our students and our expertise and professional judgement, alongside our own action research.

Our Signature Teaching and Learning Approach provides the framework and foundations for high quality teaching and learning, whilst also empowering teachers to teach in a way that they know is appropriate for their students, the objectives and context. We are professional and take responsibility for our continuous development. All of this enables us to make accurate judgements and decisions to adapt teaching to meet the needs of our students. A focus on high quality teaching, alongside building relationships with students, provides the building blocks for students to make the best progress.

We take this approach to teaching and learning in order to develop collective expertise, so that our students are taught with the best wisdom of our profession. We take a personalised approach to meeting the needs of our students, maximising access to high quality teaching for all. We focus on knowing the individual profiles of our students to increase the effectiveness of our teaching. Our environment for learning is key; even our classrooms have been carefully considered to provide an environment conducive to learning.

Our Signature Teaching and Learning Approach contributes to ensuring that:

  • Our students consistently make excellent progress, achieve highly and fulfil their potential.
  • Our students produce work across the curriculum that is consistently of a high quality.
  • The quality of education we provide is exceptional.
  • The implementation of our curriculum is embedded securely and consistently across the school.
  • Our lessons contribute well to delivering our curriculum intent.
  • Our teachers teach effective lessons that account for how students learn and retain information.
  • We use assessment well in a way that supports learning and progress, and informs teaching and planning.
  • We create an environment that focuses on students.
  • We prioritise reading and oracy and the development of vocabulary.
  • Our remote education effectively supports our curriculum.

Home Learning

Please click on the link for more information on our QES Signature Home Learning Approach.