QES operates a cashless catering system.
A facial recognition system at the till links your child with their personal account. This cashless system allows students to purchase food and drinks without the need to carry cash. It enables us to deliver a faster, more efficient service and provide wholesome, healthy and enjoyable food at the lowest cost.
If your child is entitled to Free School Meals, the system works exactly the same. The amount allocated for the free school meal will be entered into the system daily by the software, and will only be accessible at lunchtime.
The system will then allow the required cash amount for each student to be allotted to their current cash balance on a daily basis. Any under spend or missed meal will be identified by the system and will not be added to the next day’s balance. Please note if you are in receipt of free school meals changing schools may mean you need to re-apply, please contact Luton Borough Council on 01582 510346 for further information.
Parent Pay
Parents can use an e-payment method for dinner money, trips and school shop purchases via a very secure website called ParentPay. Details of your unique log on and password will be sent to you once your child has been enrolled at QES. There is a minimum top-up for dinner money of £5.